Chocolate Eclairs

Chocolate Eclairs

Chocolate Eclairs
m&s eclairs; tim hortons chocolate eclair; mini eclairs; chocolate eclair donuts; keto eclair; tim hortons eclair; eclair

Chocolate eclairs recipe

Chocolate eclairs are so delicious you can make these chocolate eclairs in a few minutes. 

Deliciously crisp, puffy then perfect chocolate eclairs filled with chocolate or vanilla pastry cream. 

Ho To Make Perfect Classic Chocolate Eclairs

To make this recipe you'll need the following ingredients:

Ingredients chocolate eclairs:

To prepare choux pastries:

  • 250 ml (1 c + 2 t) of water
  • 70g (5 t) of butter
  • 150g of flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/8 tsp of salt

For the chocolate glaze:

  • 150g (3/4 cup) of Chocolate chips
  • 125g (12 cups plus 2 teaspoons) heavy cream

To prepare the pastry cream:

  •  350 ml (1 12 c) of cold milk
  • 30 g of cornstarch
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 75 g (1/3 c) of butter
  •  200ml (3/4 c + 2 tablespoons) of heavy whip cream, cold
  • 1 tsp of the vanilla.

m&s eclairs

Instructions chocolate eclairs:

And here’s all you need to know about making Perfect Classic Chocolate Eclairs! And this foolproof tutorial will guide you through the recipe step by step, And also discuss eclairs troubleshooting tips for common recipe pitfalls.

First Preparing mixture:

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F, and line two baking sheets with paper.


And in a medium non-stick saucepan, combine water, then salt and bring to a boil. And add the butter then let it boil again.

After that, we add flour and then beat vigorously until lumps disappear and the mixture thickens for about one minute. Then remove the pot from the heat also let the mix cool for 6 minutes.


And beat the first egg then mix it with a wooden spoon until the egg is completely incorporated into the mixture without white lumps. 

Then keep whisking with the remaining eggs, one at a time using a pastry bag fitted with a large regular header (I'm using Wilton #1A), and place two lengths of tubeless dough (about ¾ - 1 inch long & 4 inches long) on ​ lined baking sheet, leaving 1-inch space between them.

And bake for 15 min.   And without opening the oven door, reduce the temperature to 340 F then bake for another 15-20 minutes, until golden brown. And remove from the oven then let cool on a wire rack.

To prepare the cream of the dough:

First, dissolve cornstarch in 3 - 4 tsp milk in a bowl.

And add the rest of the milk to a small saucepan then let it boil over low heat.

And adding 50g (1/4 c) of sugar also stir until sugar dissolves.

Then when the milk starts to boil, add the dissolved cornstarch then whisk until the lumps are gone. And remove from heat and cool to slightly warm or totally cool.

And in a large bowl, beat the butter with the remaining 50g (1/4 cup) sugar then vanilla extract until the mixture is almost white.

Then mix whipped butter with milk then cornstarch blending. Blending well and set aside.

And in the bowl use, an electric blender beat-heavy whip cream to soft peaks form. Then add the whipped cream to the butter and then milk cream.


Then use the tip of the knife, and cut 3 small X's along top of every dough. Then using a small tip (I used a #32 Wilton tip). then put the pastry cream into the crust through each hole.

For the chocolate glaze:

First Melt the chocolate chips then heavy whipping cream in a medium saucepan set over an approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) saucepan and boil water. 

And whisk until the mixture becomes smooth then smooth. Alternatively, you can heat the chocolate then, cream in the microwave for about 31 seconds and whisk until smooth. And

removing from heat then cool for some min.

And dip top of every eclair in the chocolate glaze then set it aside to allow the glaze to the firm. Enjoy!

And Pin this recipe on Pinterest for later ?? Enjoy!

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